Friday 22 January 2010


Aggregators – collects information eg. Online – headlines can be collected for a website

Blogs a personal website/weblog/journal on the internet

Pagerank – a google patented method to measure page importance o relevance. Ranges from 0-10

XFN – a way to add metadata to links suggesting the relationship with that link (friend, co-worker, relative e.t.c) - XHTML

Folksonomy – a group/website that organises information into categories

Participation – to become involved/to share

Sharing – joint use of a resource or space to swap or provie information

Videocasting – video podcast is a term used for the online delivery of a video

Podcasting - audio programme that is broadcasted over the internet. Can be downloaded in some cases

Recommendation – the best idea/solution e.t.c of something

Audio – a sound

IM instant messaging – allows people to talk electronically on the internet

Video – motion picture

Collaboration –2 or more people/systems coming together

Convegence – different systems coming together

Social Software -software/web service that allows people to communicate and collaborate while using the application