Friday 12 March 2010


What difference has the internet made to media consumption and production? 
Refer to at least two media sectors in your answer.

'So at CERN before the web they would be systems you'd have to connect to completely separately you wouldn't be able to really bring up the information from one thing at the same time as the other'
Before the web, people were unable to find the information as quickly and as a platform for information to be readily available. This has made media consumption easier to digest for audiences as it is easily accessible and available for audiences. People can now access particular themes and stories and this has led to the internet putting a positive spin on the media; allowing it to be easier for people to access the media. 
User Generated content, described like a mass amateurisation of culture has allowed people to be seen and heard as well as being able to have the access to create and distribute material on their own and in addition to this, they can be their own producers of the internet through citizen journalism and websites such as wikipedia and youtube.

The internet can be described as the 'stage' with the users as 'performers' being abel to create their own content, therefore the internet has changed consumption and production for the better - people are able to have their own freedom of speech and creativity, however there does need to be some gatekeeping and editors as freedom of speech can be taken too far and this could in turn, reduce the quality of the internet.