Thursday 17 September 2009

Public Spheres

Public Sphere's Notes

  • Jurgen Habermas was born in 1929
  • He attended the Frankfurt School and was amongst a group of philosophers
  • was taught under Adorno and Horkheimer
  • He published his theory on public spheres in 1962
  • Habermas believed that Public Spheres developed in the 18th century
  • He felt that it transformed society from feudal to democracy
  • Within the 18th century, people red books e.t.c and came together in coffee houses to discuss their opinions and judgements as equals
  • Public Sphere's is a term that is still relevant today as people are still able to find out information and share it amongst each other with their own opinions
How does Web 2.0 fit with the idea of Public Sphere's?
  • Online forums allow the public to come together with ideas and opinions and discuss
  • eg. blogs, youtube, social networking websites (facebook, myspace)
  • Problem - information uploaded can be biased which can result in false information being received, eg. wikipedia

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